Home > ASP.NET > bind gridview with datatable in asp.net c#

bind gridview with datatable in asp.net c#

In this article, we have described how to bind gridview with datatable in asp.net c #.

In this example we have described how to bind gridview with datatable in asp.net C# with Mysql .


About Gridview

Gridview is a control in asp.net.

Gridview is a very popular and useful control in C#. We can specify custom columns and styles.

Gridview automatically binds to and displays data from a data source control.


Required Namespaces:

you will need to use the following namespaces.

using System.Data;

using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

using System.Configuration;


aspx page

We have used the gridview code below. You can have a look at it and learn.

<html xmlns="">

<head runat="server">




   <form id="form1" runat="server">

       <asp:GridView ID="gvUsers" calss="table table-bordered responsive-table" AutoGenerateColumns="true" runat="server">







We have explained below C# code and added the examples of some user information in this article .You can have a look at it and learn.

string mysqlcomnnection = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectioninfo"]);

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


   if (!IsPostBack)





private void BindGridview()


   MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(mysqlcomnnection);

   string CommandText = "Select userid as UserID, firstname as FirstName,lastname as LastName,logon as LoginId from users";

   MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(CommandText, con);

   MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);

   DataTable dt = new DataTable();


   gvUsers.DataSource = dt;



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