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Razor Pages DropDownList from Database in ASP.NET Core

In this article, we will explain how to Razor Pages DropDownList from Database in ASP.NET Core with an example and sample code.

In this article, we will explain how to Razor Pages DropDownList from Database in ASP.NET Core with an example and sample code. Here we are using asp-items property for dropdown items. We have used the razor view engine to bind a Dropdownlist from the database using ADO.net. In this example, we have taken employee's data for binding a Dropdownlist. You can see the example code below.


Required Namespaces

We will need to use the following namespaces.



we have created DropDownList controller and get data from database using ADO.Net .



We have created html page you can see below.



Razor Pages DropDownList from Database in ASP.NET Core


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