Home > MVC > How to bind dropdownlist in MVC 5 from database

How to bind dropdownlist in MVC 5 from database

In this article, we have described how to bind dropdownlist in MVC 5 from the database with an example and a sample code.

In this article, we have described how to bind dropdownlist in MVC 5 from database with an example and a sample code.

We have used the razor view engine and binded the Dropdownlist from the database using ADO.net. It's a very simple way for Dropdownlist binding. In this example, we have taken employees and customers data for binding a Dropdownlist. You can see the below example code .


Required Namespaces

We will need to use the following namespaces.



We have provided razor view html below.



In this model we have two child classes for dropdownlist binding. you can use your existing class for this activity.



We have created DropDownlist name of controller.



How to bind dropdownlist in MVC 5 from database



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