Home > MVC > Display the data in Gridview based on Dropdownlist selected value in MVC

Display the data in Gridview based on Dropdownlist selected value in MVC

In this article, we will explain how to display the data in Gridview based on Dropdownlist selected value in MVC Razor with an example and sample code.

In this article, we will explain how to display the data in Gridview based on Dropdownlist selected value in MVC Razor with an example and sample code. This is a very useful control in MVC. We are binding Gridmvc using ViewModel in Razor and maintaining the dropdown list value through Jquery.


You can refer the link for filtering, sorting, and paging in gridmvc How to use Filterable, Sortable and WithPaging in MVC using GridMvc.


Required Namespace:

We will need to use the following namespaces.



We have used the gridmvc code below. You can have a look at it and learn.


Model C#

we have provided model code below.


Controller C#



Display the data in Gridview based on Dropdownlist selected value in MVC



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