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ASP.NET core Dynamically Add Meta Tags

In this article, we will explain in ASP.NET core Dynamically add Meta tags with an example and sample code.

In this article, we will explain in ASP.NET core Dynamically add Meta Tags with an example and sample code. In this example, we have added meta tags ( Keyword and Description) on the _layout page, after clicking on a link we are dynamically updating meta tags( Keyword and Description) on Page.


Step -1

Open Visual Studio and select new Project.

ASP.NET core Dynamically add Meta tags


Step -2

Enter your project name and Set project location.

ASP.NET core Dynamically add Meta tags


Step -3

Select new project type.

ASP.NET core Dynamically add Meta tags



We are Dynamically updating meta tags (keywords,Descption) on _layout.cshtml page.






HomePage - Output

ASP.NET core Dynamically add Meta tags



StockNews- Output

After click on the Stock news link.

ASP.NET core Dynamically add Meta tags



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