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ASP.NET CORE MVC checkbox model binding

In this article, we will explain how to checkbox model binding in ASP.NET Core with an example in Visual Studio Code.

In this article, we will explain how to checkbox model binding in ASP.NET Core with visual studio code with an example. We have used the razor view engine and bound the CheckboxList using ViewModel. It's an convenient way of binding CheckboxList. We can see the example code below. Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor. It is a fully open-source and cross-platform framework available on Windows, Linux, and Mac.


Step -1

Open Visual Studio Code.

ASP.NET CORE MVC checkbox model binding


Step -2

Click on the file in the menu and select Open Folder. We are creating a folder for project(SampleCode) and select created folder name.

ASP.NET CORE MVC checkbox model binding


Step -3

Go to Terminal and Select New Terminal in the menu. In the terminal window, type dotnet new mvc .

ASP.NET CORE MVC checkbox model binding


Step -4

Build and Run the MVC Application. In the terminal window, type dotnet Build and dotnet run .

ASP.NET CORE MVC checkbox model binding


Required Namespaces

We will need to use the following namespaces.



We have provided razor view html below.







ASP.NET CORE MVC checkbox model binding



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